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Installation instructions

ANA is written in C++17, so you'll need a supporting compiler. ANA and ANA GUI have been tested on Mac OSX 10.11 (El Capitan) and Ubuntu 16.04. Instructions for these GNU-based systems are very similar.


First, download these dependencies:


sudo apt-get install cmake libnetcdf-dev libcgal-dev libboost-dev

We only need the Program Options library from the boost libraries, so you can replace libboost-dev for libboost-program-optionsx.xx.x where x.xx.x is the current version available in your package manager.

Mac OS X

brew tap homebrew/science
brew install cmake netcdf cgal boost
  • cmake is necessary if you plan to build from sources.
  • libnetcdf-dev to read Amber NetCDF trajectories.
  • ANA gets its input through the Program Options boost library, so you'll need libboost-program-optionsX.XX.X, X.XX.X being higher than 1.58.0.
  • Finally, Triangulations are possible thanks the CGAL library in libcgal-dev.

Building from source.

Source code is available on the Download section. Or you can clone the repository:

git clone --depth=1
mkdir ANA2/build
cd ANA2/build
cmake .. -Wno-dev
make -j 4

The flag -j tells make to compile in parallel, most systems can spare 4 cores.

ANA should work right away. Make sure the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH includes the location where CGAL and Boost were installed. For debian-based Linux distributions, these are most likely:

  • /usr/lib
  • /usr/local/lib
  • /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
  • /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu.

You probably want to move the ANA executable to a path included in your PATH variable as well. For example, in the case of a debian-based Linux distribution: /usr/local/bin.


ANA and its dependencies (Chemfiles, CGAL and Boost) also work on Windows but there is currently no pre-compiled binary for Windows. An alternative is to run ANA inside the Windows 10 Bash environment.